Note! A tolerance of 1% will be allowed for possible inconsistencies in measurement instruments for size and weight.
Model aircraft shall carry:
Note! The list of the national identification marks (3 letters per country) is downloadable from “Documents” section of the CIAM website
Note! The mandatory carrying of the FAI ID number commenced in 2022.
Note! FAI stickers’ design is downloadable from “Documents” section of the CIAM website See example below.
The minimum FAI sticker size is 55 mm x 30 mm.
Note! A model aircraft must not carry a national identification mark, an FAI licence number, an FAI sticker, or any other reference which relates to any person other than the competitor.
Recommendation! As weight of the model aircraft is crucial, we recommend using ultralight waterslide paper used for decorating plastic scale models. Laser printer should be used for printing.
Rules to remember
General characteristics, marking (stickers) of participant’s model aircraft will be verified in processing procedures as per FAI Sporting Code, Section 4, Volume CIAM General Rules, for each participating model aircraft prior to a competition.
Role of each NAC
For World Championships each NAC shall process every model and shall issue for each model aircraft a Model Aircraft Specification Certificate, provided by the FAI.
Note! The Model Aircraft Specification Certificate is only available as a download from “Documents” section of the CIAM website
Role of Event Organisers
Organisers guarantee implementation of model processing procedure according to the FAI rules and regulations.
The certain time will be set up for every team to go thought the model processing procedure. Each participant shall present to the competitions’ officials:
1) model aircraft (-s) he/ she is planning to use in the competition (ready to fly);
2) Model Aircraft Specification Certificate (-s) for each of his model aircraft;
3) radio signal transmitter;
4) signed Technical Compliance Form (for will be provided with Bulletin 3).
Model aircraft not properly processed by their NAC, with FAI certificates and stickers, will be processed by the organiser at a cost of 8 Euro for each model.
Rules to remember
©Copyright 2022 // 2023 Jonava F3P challenge for indoor aerobatic model aircraft // All right reserved // Created by: Senu/<as design